FUNDATA MF Subscribers
Access to the FUNDATAMF database servers at CHASS is restricted to registered
subscribers. If you attempt to invoke the FUNDATAMF database,
connection attempts will be refused to non-subscribers. For subscription information please
send e-mail to DataCentre support.
There are two Data Centre servers at CHASS that run in load-balancing and
fail-over mode: and
"dc1" and "dc2" names are also aliased to "datacenter1" and "datacenter2"
(as well as "datacentre1" and "datacentre2"). Thus, all URL's listed below
are legitimate:
The following universities and agencies have currently access to the FUNDATAMF database via CHASS Data Centre Web servers:
1. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (CHASS Data Centre Host)
( |
2. Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL)
2.1 Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia
( |
2.2 University Of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
( |
3. Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI)
3.1 Université Concoridia, Montréal, Québec
( |
A number of other universities - not listed here - may have short-term
temporary access to the FUNDATAMF database WWW server at CHASS for demo purposes.
If you experience technical problems and your university or agency
is included in the list above, please send e-mail to DataCentre support, or leave a phone message at (416) 978-2535.
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